
Low Voltage Transformer Bushings: For oil filled Transformers.

Low Voltage Transformer Bushings: For oil filled Transformers. Within the broad landscape of electrical engineering, transformer bushings have a central role. These integral components are vital to all electrical apparatus, most notably transformers. This blog aims to deliver a thorough understanding of low voltage transformer bushings, their international standards, material selection, and possible drawbacks of certain decisions. Defining Transformer Bushings Transformer bushings act as the connecting medium between the transformer windings (encased within the transformer) and the external grid or cables. Their principal function is to insulate the current flowing through them from the body of the transformer, and they are designed to minimize power loss. Standardizing Transformer Bushings The efficacy and safety of transformer bushings are determined by their compliance with certain globally accepted international standards. These benchmarks, established by various international bodi

Buchholz Relays for Transformers

Buchholz Relays The construction of Buchholz relay below is generally as per Indian standards and conditions. However the basic principal and working remain the same.  What is a Buchholz Relay? The Buchholz Relay is one of the most essential protective devices to protect equipment's such as Transformer, Capacitors, On load Tap Changers etc. The Buchholz Relay detects abnormal working of the components inside the equipment, and consequently minimizes the spread of any damage to the equipment's active part by disconnecting faulty apparatus before large scale damage is caused by a fault to the apparatus or to other connected apparatus. Construction of the Buchholz Relay The relay comprises mainly of an oil-tight housing, which contains the alarm and tripping devices consisting of two buckets hinged on a frame, one in the upper part and one, fitted with a flap, in the lower part. The flanges on the body permit an easy connection of the relay to the tu